Del. Terrie Suit  doesn't have to pay sales tax, but she makes sure you do
She co-sponsored bill to make you pay taxes she doesn't



While I feel one of the projects related to the November 2002 referendum might be worthwhile, I cannot in good conscience vote for a sales tax increase. 

You see, my family and I, like Del Terrie Suit, are eligible and use the military exchange and commissary which exempts us from those related Virginia sales taxes that you civilians must pay.

I find it disingenuous if I vote for a tax increase that I can avoid paying. 

What I find peculiar is that Delegate Terri Suit (R-81st) who also has military exchange and commissary privileges not only supports the sales tax increase but sponsored the legislation that put the referendum on the ballot.

Isn't that kind of like a conflict of interest?

DLF - Virginia Beach


Del. Terrie Suit (R-81st) co-sponsored the legislation abdicating the General Assembly's responsibility to levy or increase taxes.

Instead she voted for the citizens to 'tax themselves' in the legislation.

That's OK.  She doesn't mind.  As a military dependent (she's married to a Navy SEAL), she doesn't have to pay the taxes you do.

Suit can purchase gasoline, tires, oil, food, go bowling, golfing, to the movies and not pay any sales or local taxes. But you pay taxes.

She can eat at Applebee's or McDonalds and avoid the meal tax.  But you pay 10%+  when you eat out.

She gets her wine, beer, liquor, and liqueur cheaper and without tax.  You can't do that.  You pay extra.

She can buy plants, flowers, fertilizers - no tax.

She can buy stereos, CDs, TVs, refrigerators, freezers, George Foreman grills, and swimming pool supplies and not pay any taxes.  

But you pay all those taxes that she doesn't.  Difference is, you don't have the option of passing legislation to make her subject to the tax, but she does.  And you sent her there. 

Mortgage bank officer Terrie Suit hit Virginia Beach like a flash in a pan by handily beating veteran Democrat Del. Glen Croshaw in 1999 for the 81st District General Assembly House of Delegates..

Sure Croshaw was lazy, conceited, and by virtue of  seniority felt his General Assembly position too safe to be worried by a newcomer from the southern section of the city with no political experience.  He was wrong.  He was the final Democrat loss to a Republican majority in state and federal offices from Virginia Beach.

Suit had a pretty face.  Suit had a mission.  She had a goal.  During a hot summer campaign, she used her customer service mortgage and real estate training to  impress the voters in her district.  

Going door to door, if residents weren't home, she take notes of some special feature of the house and leave a card commenting on 'your beautiful impatiens' or whatever.  She personalized the race.  

She worked hard and she deserved to win.

She was elected as the people's candidate on promises to represent the people, not the political establishment.

Wrong.  No sooner did her cute little face show up in the halls of power than she was romantically connected by gossip mongers to the governor.  She got royal treatment.  Heady stuff for a high school grad.

And the attention and treatment went to her head like a hallucinogenic drug.  

Suit quickly forgot.  She forgot her major contributors.  She forgot her major grassroots supporters.   She forgot her friends.

Many of then she never bothered to call and thank for their contributions or support or friendship.

She hasn't had time.  She been too busy screwing the public with things like her co-sponsorship of the sales tax referendum - transferring her responsibilities to you.

If approved, then she can say:  She didn't vote to raise taxes - you voted to raise them yourself.

Give Suit and the referendum the boot.  Neither one of them belong in Virginia.
