Mayoral candidate Al Wallace forced to resign GOP City Committee

Sources have confirmed to Virginia News Source that mayoral candidate Al Wallace was forced to resign  from the Virginia Beach Republican City Committee for political double dealing.

Mayor for Virginia Beach
Top Ten Outstanding traits desired:

(Or qualifications for the job for those of you in Rio Linda)

Number 10. Always wear loud colored jackets to events.

Number 9.   Provide awards to people for doing their six figure salary jobs.

Number 8.  Demonstrate the ability to confuse in a single sentence.

Number 7.   More flip-flops than John Kerry.

Number 6.   Absolute disregard for Robert’s Rules of Order in any meeting presided over.

Number 5.   Ability to spend funds without authorization. (What are rules for anyway?)

Number 4.   Belief that he is the smartest person in the room.

Number 3.   Ability to fabricate a meeting when one never occurred.

Number 2.   Exaggerated self-image

And the Number 1 Outstanding trait?

Ability to confirm statement: "Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt..."

Those who believe that "Truth in Government" is a contradiction in terms... provide this message

[Ed's note:  This is an Internet humor piece that began circulating shortly after Wallace announced his candidacy for mayor.]

The action was taken during the December 2003 Executive Committee meeting as a group of GOPers prepared impeachment proceedings against Wallace for aiding 3 Democrats and 1 Independent who ran against Republican-nominated candidates since 1999.

The party had him dead on 2 counts. Another group was seeking evidence on 2 other counts.

Sources said Wallace supported Sam Meekins in 1999 for House of Delegates; Lois Williams in 2003 in a race against incumbent Terri Suit; called for the defeat of GOP Del. John Welch during a Clean Community Commission meeting (eventually spawning the race by Tim Jackson).  

In addition, a source said he asked the GOP chair Colin Stolle to set aside the primary nomination of Tina Sinnen for Clerk of Court and endorse Wally Erb, former Republican, seeking the post as an independent.  The effort failed. 

A source said he may not have been aware of the impeachment plan that was brewing behind the scenes.  But the plan was there.

Elected GOP officials, fearing how the situation might play out in the media about a split party, called Wallace before the party's executive committee and demanded his resignation.

After arguing about an hour, during which Wallace blamed everyone but himself, Wallace resigned. 

Wallace comments

Wallace did not deny the events related here.  He said, "That's real strange news you were told --  supporting 3 Dems and 1 Independent.  Who are they?  Impeachment?"

He said Herr Sen. Ken Stolle is his legal advisor and he confided in him in May '03 that he 'was considering' running for mayor.  Then he said he found out through a media story that Stolle is supporting Democrat Oberndorf.

Wallace contends he is 'a Republican.'

He told VNS:  "you know how "control" people work in the background."

Wallace, X-president of the Council of Civic Organizations (CCO), during an interview Wednesday on WNIS Radio, still identified himself as a Republican when asked him party affiliation.  He indicated, however, that he is at odds with some of its people and actions.

Associates in the CCO have referred to him as an ineffective leader who unsuccessfully tried to engineer himself a 3rd term.  The rank and file would have no part of his move and he was forced out at the end of his 2nd term.

See also:

Al Wallace is Mayor Oberndorf's lap dog - in race to play role of her spoiler
