State Sen. Marty Williams disputes tax referendum would increase taxes 22% 7/25/02 Dear editor, I write to simply point out to you that categorizing the referendum question as a 22% increase in taxes is misleading at best. One would have to assume that the sales tax is the only tax that one pays. If you include all taxes paid, such as sales, meals, lodging, real estate, personal property, income (both state and federal) storm water, (I am sure you categorize fees as taxes) water, sanitary sewer, solid waste & recycling and god knows what else how much would a 1 cent increase per 100 dollar purchase (excluding food and prescription drugs) amount to as a percentage of taxes paid? That's where you would get at the truth. Lets debate this issue with facts not fiction. Marty Ed note: Peninsula Sen. Marty Williams was patron of the bill calling for the sales tax referendum |