Out of the mouths of (stupid) politicians
or intellectually-challenged babes (yuk!)

[The following gems were gleamed from the Thursday night forum sponsored by the Common Sense Foundation.  Delegates Terri (Let 'em eat cake) Antionette Suit (see Suit doesn't pay taxes she wants to sell to public) and Robert Tata represented those supporting a 22% sales tax hike.  Richmond lawyer Patrick McSweeney and former Virginia Beach City Councilman John Moss represented the people opposed to a tax hike.]

Dear Editor:

It appears when politicians are on the ropes defending a hard sell or educating the public they really come out with some laughable blurbs. 

Here a some quips (gems of lack of wisdom) from the recent Common Sense Transportation forum held on Thursday,  October 17:

  • Lets have a show of hands:  "How many here have children? How many have more than one child? You see, that's why Hampton Roads population is growing!" – Del. Terrie Suit
  • "These projects are now or never." "Most of us in this room won't get to see them built". – Del. Bob Tata
  • She only answers to those who vote for her:  " I've been inundated with so many questions and e-mails on this transportation issue that I'm only answering the ones from those who can vote for me." – Del. Terrie Suit
  • " Military pay sales taxes too."  "Just look around any Home Depot or Lowe's and count the Navy Base stickers." – Del. Terrie Suit
  • " We considered a gasoline tax, but we thought a war with Iraq would raise the price of gasoline and hurt families". Del. Terrie Suit
  • "I know I've taken an unpopular position, but this is about having a vision for the future of Hampton Roads, their families and our children's future." – Del. Terrie Suit
  • "All the opposition knows is how to take pot shots." – Del. Terrie Suit

WE-Virginia Beach
