Sources say Jenney has reputation for lavish spending at taxpayers' expense



VNS forgot one nickname which is probably the most popular among teachers - -"TLD" Terrible Little Dwarf."

Also, he threw a party for teachers on the grounds of the school board building, I believe, at the end of the school year. We were all invited via the e-mail system at taxpayers' expense also.

He can spend that kind of money, but don't give teachers a raise until Jan., half the school year.

Name w/held by request - VB




He has done something like this before. 

Rumor has it, he treated all the principals and their spouses to a night on the Spirit of Norfolk soon after he was hired.

If you haven't already, you should read The Prince by Machiavelli--interesting comparison.

Name w/held by request - VB




About Dr. Jenney's soiree: I had heard he was doing a dinner, just wasn't aware it would be so elaborate.

Interesting comparison to the Teacher of the Year Dinners held in a school cafeteria.

This is the same man who told principals that their art teachers could not teach art to kindergartners in certain schools because art teachers in other schools might not have the extra time and it wouldn't be fair?

This new board will be something to watch--he can smooze.

Name w/held by request - VB

See also:
